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Cannabidiol or CBD is a non-intoxicating component of the cannabis plant with enormous therapeutic potential. Although CBD doesn’t make people feel high like THC does, it’s causing quite a buzz among scientists, health professionals, and medical marijuana patients who are using CBD-rich products to treat a wide range of conditions—chronic pain, cancer, Crohn’s, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, PTSD, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, antibiotic-resistant infections, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, and more. Academic research centers in the United States and elsewhere are currently studying the effects of CBD on these and other ailments. Scientists refer to CBD as a “promiscuous” compound because it confers therapeutic benefits in many different ways while tapping into how we function physiologically and biologically on a deep level. Extensive preclinical research and some clinical studies have shown that CBDhas strong anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, anti-tumoral, and neuroprotective qualities. Cannabidiol can change gene expression and remove beta amyloid plaque, the hallmark of Alzheimer’s, from brain cells.

Can CBD? cure epilepsy?

Marijuana has a rich history as a medicine for quelling seizures and convulsions going back thousands of years. In the mid-19th century, the U.S. Pharmacopeia listed cannabis tincture as a treatment for pediatric epilepsy, and subsequent scientific studies have documented the anticonvulsant effects of CBD, THC, and whole plant cannabis. CBD-dominant/low- THC cannabis strains and oil extracts can facilitate dramatic improvement in some children with intractable seizure disorders. Between 10-15 percent of severe childhood epileptics who are given CBD oil products experience a near complete cessation of seizures; most improve (with a decrease but not total elimination of seizures); and some children have worse seizures when they take CBD. Many parents of epileptic children have learned through trial and error that augmenting CBD-rich oil by adding some THC—or better yet, THCA, the unheated, non-psychoactive form of THC that’s present in raw cannabis flowers and leaves—helps with seizure control. The take-home message: Low-THC cannabis oil products don’t work for everyone. Patients of all ages need access to a wide spectrum of whole plant cannabis remedies, not just high CBD oil.

CBD? (Cannabidiol)

  • Analgesic
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Anti-Ischemic
  • Antibacterial
  • Anticancer
  • Antidiabetic
  • Antiemetic
  • Antiepelitic
  • Antiproliferative
  • Antipsychotic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antopsoriatic
  • Anxiolytic
  • Bone-Stimulant
  • Immunosuppressive
  • Intestinal Anti-Prokinetic
  • Neoroprotective
  • Vasorelaxant

THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin)

  • Anorectic
  • Antiepileptic
  • Bone-Stimulant

CBG (Cannabigerol)

  • Antibacterial
  • Antiproliferative
  • Bone-Stimulant

CBC (Cannabichromene)

  • Analgesic
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antiproliferative
  • Bone-Stimulant

THCA (Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid)

  • Antiproliferative
  • Antispasmodic

CBDV (Cannabidivarin)

  • Bone-Stimulant